Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Chief Rabbi talks about Israeli bombing of Gaza

The Chief Rabbi lectures the world on morality

'We were the people who were the quintessential strangers to teach humanity that “Thou shall not oppress the stranger.” We were the people who walked through the valley of the shadow of death to teach humanity the sanctity of life. We were the people who were always small but yet survived to teach the world a people does not survive by might nor by strength but by My spirit, says G-d'

'Maimonides says that when it comes to violating shabbat in order to save a life you don’t do it by employing non-Jews, children, or slaves but it must be the great sages of Israel and the role models who must violate shabbat in order to save a life. Why? Maimonides states that in saving a life you are teaching the most fundamental Torah of all, which is that the judgments and laws of the Torah are not vengance against the world, but compassion, kindness and peace in the world. That has to be done by the role models of Jewish life.'

Compassion, kindness and peace in the world. This is what the Chief Rabbi claims Israle teaches the world.

The Chief Rabbi, Dr. Jonathan Sacks, continues 'We have the chance today of shaping a society built on justice and compassion in the State of Israel. We have the chance to be an outstandingly authoritative voice in the moral conversations of mankind. If we do it the world will be a better place; if we do it, we will be better Jews.'

The State of Israel is an outstandingly authoratative voice in the moral conversations of mankind. Just ask the Chief Rabbi.


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